Friday, September 30, 2011


Where to cross the border………..

Know where to cross the border...

If You Cross The North Korean Border Illegally
You get 12 years Hard Labour.

If You Cross The Iranian Border Illegally
You Are Detained Indefinitely.

If You Cross The Afghan Border Illegally,You Get Shot.

If You Cross The Saudi Arabian Border Illegally
You Will Be Jailed.

If You Cross The Chinese Border Illegally
You May Never Be Heard Again.

If You Cross The Venezuelan Border Illegally
You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your Fate Will Be Sealed.

If You Cross The Cuban Border Illegally
You Will Be Thrown Into Political Prison To Rot.

If You Enter Britain Illegally
You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And Sent To Prison And Deported



MyPR (Permanent Residence / Pemastautin Tetap)
A Driving License,
Voting Rights
Job Reservation,
Special Privilege to be Consider as Bumi,
Credit Cards,
Subsidized Rent Or A Loan To Buy A House,
Free Education,
Free Health Care,
and if you are a clever , you can be a Menteri Besar or even Prime Minister!

Oh Malaysia, what a great country!!

The reason for War In Libya

Libya was the most comfortable nation on earth before the Nato attacks. UN Human Rights Council, in September last year, unanimously voted Libya to receive the Human Rights award to be given in March this year. But then, early this year, the bankers (Zionists) saw the danger in Ghaddafi's idea of USA (United States of Africa) and AMF (African Monetary Fund) where Ghaddafi (Libya) contrbuted USD20 billion to the fund. He appealed to African nations to use the Gold Dinar for trade between member countries.

Back to Libya, before this Nato-led Illuminati attacks, Libya was a great nation to live. Water, electricity and cooking gas are free. Education and medical services are free and Libyan hospitals had the latest state-of-the-art medical equipments. In case a Libyan need to seek treatment elsewhere, the govt pays for it. Same with education overseas, room, food, car, tuition fees, books and Eoro2500 per month if studying in Europe.

When a couple marries for the first time, the govt gives a gift of 60,000Libyan Dinars (USD50,000) for the couple to purchase a house. Loans are interest-free in Libya. If a Libyan buys a car (cheaper than in Europe), the govt pays half the price. Businessess in the agriculture sector is tax-free, including income tax for persons in that sector. Unemployment benefits is equivalent to USD750/mth. No poverty in Libya and all Libyans are housed, except the nomadic bedouins by choice.

If a Libyan ventures into business for the first time, the govt gives 20,000 Dinars (USD17k+) as a one-off contribution.
So friends, do not ever believe the media, including Al Jazeera from Qatar. The rebels are Qataris and Emiratis and only 2 % of Libyans don't like the govt. A week before raya, 1.9 million Libyans showed their support to Ghaddafi in Tripoli. The Zionist media took it and says the opposite. We are all being lied to systematically. Don't trust Turkey's Erdogan and also the Muslim Brotherhood either, they are tools of Illuminati and Erdogan can pretend to be angry at Israel...all bullshit.